Many customers didn’t know how to choose when they are looking for PCBA factories. There are too many PCB assembly factories, and on the surface they seem to be the same. So how can we find a suitable PCBA factory?
It is very important that choose a PCBA factory with suitable production capacity and thoughtful cooperation, which can be considered from the following points.
1.The degree of factory specialization
First, observe if the production equipment is fully equipped. A normal and complete PCBA production line should be equipped with solder paste printer, placement machine, reflow soldering, wave soldering, AOI tester, ICT online tester and other equipment.
Secondly, ask whether the processing capacity of each equipment meets the processing requirements of your circuit board, such as how many the smallest package can be attached by the chip mounter, and the largest PCB board width that can be processed by the production line.
Third, check the production quality management level of PCBA processing.
2.The sense of service
PCBA is not only product processing, machine is lifeless, human beings are alive. It is important to the sense of service! Good cooperation, fast response, and professional handling can make you save worry and save effort.
A PCBA processing manufacturer with good corporate service awareness can take responsibility and quickly help customers solve problems when customers encounter problems. By understanding the company’s corporate culture and the attitude of the business personnel to customers, we can know the service awareness of PCBA factories.
3.The industry experience
The PCBA industry is highly competitive, and it is difficult to survive for PCBA factories without strength. You can judge whether it matches yourself by understanding the operating time, the coverage area of the processed product, and degree of difficulty for processing the product. It is more reliable to choose PCBA processing manufacturers who have rich experience in the industry and have processed their own products in the same field!
4. The price
The price of PCBA processing is relatively transparent. The price is high or low, but mustn’t as low as possible. If the price is too low, you have to be vigilant. Purchasing original electronic components from regular channels and implementing strict quality control will increase the cost of processing.
On the contrary, some PCBA processing manufacturers choose to cut corners and use fake materials to reduce costs, which will seriously affect the quality and stability of their products. So you get what you pay for. Don’t pursue low prices too much. You should choose suitable cost-effective PCBA processing manufacturer based on mutual benefit and win-win results.
Post time: Oct-21-2020